5 Mistakes Your Insurance Agency Is Making On Your Website
For insurance agencies, as with most businesses, your website is essentially your virtual storefront, meaning it needs to be optimized using effective marketing strategies in order to funnel qualified leads into your agency. This sounds simple in theory; however, it can be harder to execute in practice, especially if you’re not completely confident in your website strategy.
At Tulip Media Group, we’ve seen our fair share of website mishaps, which is why we’ve compiled 5 mistakes you’re making on your website so you can adjust your strategy, start capturing and converting more leads, and help your agency grow faster.
#1 – No Clear Header
The biggest mistake we see insurance agency clients make is not having a clear header. A header is the first section of text you see when you go onto someone’s website, and it should pass three little tests that comprise the “grunt test.”
The grunt test is a term that comes from Donald Miller, author of Building a Story Brand, and it states that you have three to five seconds to answer three critical things for the consumer. Firstly, what you do; secondly, how you will help their business survive and thrive; and finally, present a strong call to action (CTA) so the customer knows what the next steps are.
If you fail to include these aspects in your header, people may not understand your offering and will likely leave your page because you’re not providing the solution to their problem. So, if you’re going to make one update to your website, we highly recommend ensuring that your header passes the grunt test.
#2 – Lacking a Strong CTA
As mentioned above, if you don’t have a strong CTA, consumers may not understand your offering or what to do next, resulting in them leaving your website altogether. Some examples of weak CTAs include “Learn more” or “Read more.” These are weak CTAs because you’re telling your clients there’s more work for them to do before they can get to where they want to be.
However, when you have a strong CTA, it’s obvious what you’re asking clients to do, whether that be “Book a call” or “Get a quote.” In these examples, it’s clear what the next steps are, taking the ambiguity out of it and allowing your clients to move through the process seamlessly.
#3 – Missing Testimonials
Another thing we often see missing on insurance agency websites are testimonials that add credibility and authority to the agency. Including positive testimonials shows prospective clients they can trust you with whatever service or product you provide, making testimonials a great way to showcase your agency—yet many companies miss out on this.
If you do not have testimonials, there are other ways to build authority and credibility on your website. For example, you could use the logo of insurance providers you work with, integrate your Google My Business ratings, or even add a stats section to your website to highlight your achievements.
#4 – Difficult Customer Journey
The fourth mistake we see on websites is that insurance agencies often make it too difficult for people to purchase or reach the end goal. Again, this partially goes back to having a strong CTA, but it’s also about having a clear client journey. If you’re unsure of your own process, how can you expect clients to follow along or even want to work with you?
In this case, simplicity is the name of the game. Integrate that clear CTA for clients and then make it simple for them to get from the inquiry to the purchase stage. In other words, one click should take them directly to their cart, quote page, or booking calendar to keep the sale moving along and eliminate the difficult customer journey we see all too often.
#5 – Not Mobile Friendly
Finally, the fifth issue is that not all insurance agencies have mobile-friendly websites. Furthermore, many agencies don’t even realize that the mobile version of their website can look completely different from their desktop version. And when you think about it, many of your customers are probably visiting your website on their mobile devices.
Therefore, you’ll want to ensure that your mobile experience is set up similarly to your desktop experience, with the header first and all the other points we’ve discussed here included as well. Something else to consider is making sure your website is up to speed in general, for both desktop and mobile. A website with a slow loading speed can really hurt your conversion score because people will leave before they even review or investigate your services properly.
By becoming a Client-Partner at Tulip Media Group, we will help you consider and integrate all of these strategies so your website is fully optimized and ready to capture a higher volume of qualified leads immediately. So, if you’re interested in more information on how to make your insurance agency’s website and marketing more impactful, ask us about our 90-Day Guarantee Program for insurance agencies at https://tm.media/isap.