How Print Makes the Difference in Your Marketing

In the digital world, your potential customers are clicking through content so fast it can be hard to hold their attention for more than a second or two. Print marketing creates an opportunity to slow them down. While websites are skimmed in as little as 15 seconds, users spend an average of 43 minutes reading a magazine. Furthermore, consumers trust print ads 34% more than search engine ads when making purchasing decisions, meaning your potential customers are more likely to convert when you advertise to them in a print format. You may have heard that print is dead, but with statistics like these, we at Tulip Media Group know that’s simply not the case.
The reality is that print is tangible, it is credible, and it’s more engaging than anything found online. Our brains are designed to engage with physical materials. We are not wired to stare into screens as much as we do. Print provides a much-needed reprieve for your potential customers while simultaneously encouraging them to engage with your brand both on and offline.
In this article, we’ll explore all of the benefits of marketing in print and go over how to integrate print effectively into your overall marketing strategy.
Benefits of Marketing in Print
Did you know that print marketing campaigns receive 37% more engagement than their digital counterparts? Since print readers don’t have the option to instinctively exit out of a magazine like they do a blog post or social media page, printed materials achieve prolonged exposure for your brand. Print readers are also more likely to remember an advertisement they saw in a magazine or newsletter than one they saw online. This means the impressions you make in a printed piece have a better chance of securing a conversion later on.
Unlike the blog posts you share on your social media pages, articles you read in a magazine feel more credible. Printed marketing materials simply provide a feeling of legitimacy that potential customers feel comfortable engaging with. If readers have the magazine with them during social engagements or client meetings, they’re also likely to physically share a printed article they read. The difference between sharing an online article and a print article is that a print article can be stored in a safe place until it is ready to be viewed. Typically, if an online article isn’t read at the time it is shared, it won’t be read at all.
Because print is tangible, it can stay for long periods in one place. When your magazine is received by your potential customers, it might stay in their homes or offices for months or even years. Think of all the brand exposure and engagement each magazine could generate in that period of time. Compare that to the five-hour shelf life of a blog post shared on Facebook.
How to Use Print Marketing Effectively
The most effective way to integrate print into your marketing strategy is to use it as a bridge to your digital and interactive marketing strategies. When you incorporate a link to your website in your printed marketing materials, 44% of readers will visit and engage with you online. When you use your printed marketing material to encourage readers to engage with you online, it directs them right into your sales funnel and encourages them to interact with your business directly. This is the best way to generate real revenue using print marketing.
To successfully execute your print marketing strategy, make sure that everything you print is consistent with the messaging you’re using online and in person. Print is an excellent means to establish your brand, but it’s important that all of the elements of your marketing strategy are aligned. If your magazine uses different style, tone, language, or imagery than your online publications and your salespeople, you could risk losing credibility with your audience when they move to engage with you in other formats.
Of course, you need to know where to send your printed magazines and newsletters to improve your chances of securing these conversions. Fortunately, you can leverage demographic data to find out where your target audience is. When you know where to find your target market, you can strategically place your printed marketing materials in the right place at the right time for them to find.
Print is real. It gets noticed. It stands out. You can touch it, feel it, hold it, and even smell it. At Tulip Media, we are huge advocates for marketing with print because we’ve successfully leveraged it to secure new business for our Client-Partners and for ourselves. We’ve seen firsthand the ways it can tap into the corners of your markets you just haven’t been able to reach. Let us put it to work for you. Talk to us about marketing with print today at www.TM.Media/Magazine.