Tulip Media Group
Reporting Marketing Strategy
By Jessica Embree, Creative Director at Tulip Media Group

We’ve noticed lately that a lot of businesses have a tendency to set it and forget it when it comes to their digital marketing campaigns. These businesses typically set up all of their marketing initiatives and then just let them be instead of constantly adapting them to respond to current trends. We see this time and time again, particularly in Google Ad campaigns. 

In your Google Ads account, continuous tweaking is required to maximize the value of your ads and campaigns. You need to be optimizing all the time, whether that is revising your keyword strategy to include search terms that are popular that week or adjusting your headers and descriptions to reflect the language your target audience is currently using. The data that appears each week on your dashboard is a guide for you on the best way to optimize your campaigns to respond to weekly trends in your search categories. 

Companies often overlook the value of their dashboards when it comes to optimizing their digital marketing strategy. It’s surprising how many businesses are doing this when it holds so much valuable information for them. Your dashboard is a powerful tool because it displays the current results of your campaigns and recommendations for constant improvement. Most dashboards also have the option to generate and send a performance report to your email on a weekly or monthly basis. We recommend reviewing these reports each week to stay current. 

As a business owner or marketer, you need to take advantage of all the data available to you in your online marketing platforms. Too often we dive into the Google Analytics accounts of our Client-Partners and find a list of things wrong with their website that they haven’t even addressed. Incorporating this data into a revised strategy is critical to developing an adaptive marketing campaign that will consistently attract new prospects and customers. 

Google Data Studio is an excellent tool for this, and it’s free. We use it for most of our Client-Partners and for ourselves as well. I love using Google Data Studio because it enables us to integrate multiple Google suites in one place. At Tulip Media, this means we can automatically generate a single report for all of our Client-Partners each week. 

To optimize Google Data Studio, we set it to showcase the figures that matter the most to us and that we know we need to respond to in order to deliver a consistently effective marketing strategy. For us, this is conversions. We also pay attention to comparative reports that tell us whether or not our traffic and conversions are growing from week to week. If we do experience a downward trend, it shows up on our dashboard and we’re equipped to resolve it by adapting the strategy in place.

Dashboarding and reporting help us hold ourselves  accountable with our Client-Partners for the marketing strategies we’ve developed together. It also showcases the value that we’re bringing to them and ensures they are getting the most out of their programs with us. You can’t hide from numbers, and this holds true in our campaigns. 

There’s a saying that goes, “Professionals want to be measured and amateurs do not.” This is an important distinction for us and the companies we work with because at Tulip Media, we’re constantly measuring our results. We are professionals that want to be measured so that we can grow, and we want the same for all of our Client-Partners. 

Reporting not only keeps us accountable but it enables us to stay ahead of the curve by changing and optimizing strategies to be more responsive to the search queries of prospects and potential customers for our Client-Partners. When you design a digital marketing strategy with Tulip Media Group, we aren’t just creating a marketing campaign for you, we are creating a marketing campaign and committing to optimize that campaign for you on a weekly basis. This means we will actively apply your dashboard and reporting data to maximize your results and keep your strategy current.

As we design and optimize your campaigns, we follow the OODA model, which Andy and I discuss extensively in chapter 15 of our book, Double Sales / Zero Salespeople. OODA stands for observe, orient, decide, and act. First, we’re constantly observing everything that we do for our Client-Partners. We’re always making sure that our marketing initiatives are oriented towards their goals and what they are trying to achieve through that initiative. Together, we decide whether or not they need to make changes to those initiatives to stay aligned with their goals and current trends, and then we act on those decisions. We do this for everyone who enrolls in our SMarketing programs.

We know at Tulip Media that the more quickly we move through the OODA process, the more quickly we will advance results for our Client-Partners. That’s why we respond and adapt to new reporting and dashboarding data on a weekly basis. We discipline ourselves to tune into the OODA mind-set each day to keep our Client-Partners, and ourselves, on top.

If you’re interested in learning more about using reports and optimizations in your marketing strategy or would like to explore a SMarketing program with Tulip, book a call with us. We look forward to seeing what we can do for your business.