Beyond Impressions: Understanding The True ROI Of Print Marketing

As a savvy businessperson, you know that determining your ROI for your digital marketing efforts is fairly straightforward—often, the stats and metrics are easily populated for you. But what about calculating your ROI for your print marketing efforts? While it is a more nebulous concept, there are some key things you could be doing to make monitoring and optimizing your ROI for your next print marketing campaign easier. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled them all here for you to peruse and implement!

Defining ROI In Print Marketing

To begin, defining ROI in print marketing involves evaluating the profitability of print campaigns relative to the resources invested. In other words, it encompasses the costs of designing, printing, and distributing materials against the revenue or benefits generated. Understanding ROI is crucial for businesses as it guides strategic decisions, justifies marketing expenditures, and helps you identify and prioritize high-yielding campaigns. It also gives organizations a competitive edge over those who simply rely on digital methods, while contributing to a more holistic and comprehensive approach to your marketing strategy.

Key Metrics To Measure

Now that you understand what ROI means in terms of print marketing, let’s look at some of the key metrics you can use to track your campaign’s performance. For starters, there are several primary metrics, including response rates, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and customer lifetime value (CLV), to name a few. Which ones you’ll want to track will depend on your unique goals.

For example, if you’re interested in determining the cost associated with acquiring a new customer through the print campaign, you can take the total campaign cost divided by the number of new customers to determine your customer acquisition cost, or CAC. Whereas if you want to look into something like your conversion rates, you’d be dividing the number of desired actions taken by recipients (i.e., making a purchase, signing up for a service, etc.) by the total number of recipients who received the materials and then multiplying the result by 100 to express it as a percentage. Either way, no matter your goal, understanding and tracking the metrics that are key to your campaign will help you optimize its performance and achieve ongoing success.

Tools And Techniques For Measurement

So, we’ve defined ROI and explored a few key metrics, but what are some specific tools and techniques for measuring the success of your print marketing campaign? We’re glad you asked. A variety of methods are available to track and analyze your print marketing efforts, each offering unique advantages and capabilities. For example, you may decide to utilize unique URLs or call tracking, which allows you to track engagement directly attributed to each campaign since those interacting with the special landing page or a certain phone number could only do so by responding to your print marketing campaign.

Along these same lines, you could also integrate QR codes as a convenient and interactive way to bridge the gap between print and digital media while fostering engagement and connectivity. The QR code may even contain a coupon or special offer to entice your audience further. Finally, if none of these are really suited to your needs, you might simply ask your customers outright. Customer surveys are always a valuable tool for gathering direct feedback from the recipients of your print materials. These surveys can cover various topics, including questions about brand perception, purchase intent, and overall satisfaction, giving you a comprehensive understanding of exactly what resonates with your audience. In addition, you could implement some A/B testing or other segmentation and personalization to help you gather further data-driven insights and optimize your ROI.

Attribution Challenges

As you may have already realized, sometimes it can be a bit challenging to accurately attribute a lead or conversion to your print marketing efforts specifically. For example, a client may interact with a print material, visit the website later, and make a purchase without a direct link between the two events. On the other hand, a customer may begin following a company on social media before eventually making a purchase or signing up after receiving an in-mail promotion. In these cases, would the lead be attributed to your print marketing efforts or your digital marketing efforts? You can see the dilemma.

So, what can you do? Well, beyond taking our advice to use unique tracking mechanisms such as the special URLs, QR codes, or custom phone numbers that are specific to each print campaign, you could also implement cross-channel attribution models that consider the entire customer journey, including interactions with both print and digital channels. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how different touchpoints contribute to conversions and enables more accurate attribution of leads and sales to print marketing efforts. Additionally, investing in robust data analytics tools and platforms can help aggregate and analyze data from various sources, providing insights into the effectiveness of print campaigns and informing strategic decision-making for future efforts.

Final Thoughts

Understanding and optimizing the ROI for your print marketing campaigns doesn’t have to be a guessing game any longer. By first having a solid grasp on what ROI is and which key metrics you should be tracking, you can then begin to implement strategic tools to help monitor and analyze your data. Although some attribution challenges may arise, navigating them with adaptable strategies and a commitment to data-driven insights ensures a more nuanced understanding of campaign performance and ROI. Ultimately, mastering the art of print marketing ROI empowers you to unlock the full potential of your campaigns, driving tangible results, and fostering long-term success in an ever-evolving marketplace. So now, the only thing you need to consider is this: When are you creating your next print marketing campaign?

For more information about our print marketing program or to speak with an expert, visit